Registration to the conference is mandatory

As is obvious, registration for the conference is mandatory. Those who have not yet done so can do so by connecting to their home page on the site and clicking on the button above which invites you to register.

Since paper's registration metadata are fundamental for building up the Program, optimizing in presence presentations and virtual presentations and taking into account the timezones of the Virtual presenters, papers that will not appear in the registration information at the close of the program, which is imminent (by Monday 19 June), will not be included in the schedule of the list of presentations.

Latecomers cause damage to themselves (increased fees) and to the community, especially if they participate in presence, because at that point they will not be guaranteed participation in the events, which are organized well in advance. Even if obvious criteria of flexibility are adopted, an inconsiderate increase in attendance close to the event or even on site can compromise the performance of the event itself (due to physical limits of the structure or contractual limits with whoever is in charge of the service).

Those who have registered and have settled the economic part, will be able to access online during the conference and for a period of one month to all the conference proceedings and will be able to freely download the files.
One month after publication, the authors will lose this privilege and the papers can be downloaded from the Springer site for a fee.
We recommend the utmost attention to this fact, so as not to lose this important privilege through distraction.