Instructions for speakers

General recommendations

All those presenting papers during the ICCSA 2023 sessions, whether they are in presence or attending virtually, will have 20-minute slots including all required operation to pass the work on the next speaker.
We recommend a maximum of 17 minutes for the presentation to allow time for questions and the transition to the next speaker.
Authors will find the proposed template for the presentation here.

How can we test the virtual Room ?

We have provided a public and open room for everyone to test screen sharing and whether the microphone and headset are correctly detected.The url is as follows:
The page is accessible from smartphones, tablets, notebooks and destop computers.
As a browser we recommend Chrome or Firefox.
It is advisable to enter the room with a friend so that you can test with them whether everything is working correctly.

Recommendations for speakers in presence

Those who are physically present at the event are requested to reach the room where the session will take place at least 10 minutes beforehand, which you will find indicated in the programme, once published, at the URL: .
Once in the classroom, please contact the classroom tutor and session chair to check that everything is working properly for the presentation.
It is recommended that you use PDF format and upload your presentation from your page at and in any case bring copies of any videos or other material you consider useful for your presentation, possibly on removable media or from a cloud service.

Recommendations for virtual speakers

Virtual presentations will be made using the open source Jitsi platform, appropriately configured to meet the requirements of the ICCSA Conference.
A test page will soon be made available here where it will be possible to check the functioning of the platform and receive instructions on how to make the presentation itself.
This year, the platform will be accessible both from a desktop or laptop computer and from a mobile device (tablet or smartphone).
The programme will highlight the links to be used to enter the virtual room, which is reserved for session speakers and the session chair and classroom tutor only. The remote audience will be able to follow along on the dedicated YouTube channel, also indicated in the programme.
Virtual speakers must make sure to connect from a silent location, where there are no occasional passers-by, well and stably connected to the Internet.